Libya Tour Guide

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Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Staalplaat - (May 26, 2020)
Dig (available in multiple formats)

Mohammad Ali Jinnah was originally released by Staalplaat November 30, 2016


  1. Kurds Eye View (5:23)
  2. Imam Fainted (4:12)
  3. Burnt Pages Of Ali Jinnah Koran (7:37)
  4. Rafia, In Her Voluminous Black Tent (7:31)
  5. Yousif Water Pipe Habit (5:05)
  6. Opulent Maghrebi Meze (5:46)
  7. Cold Turkey (3:40)
  8. Because He Had A Mustache And Beard, They Thought He Was An Arab (3:43)
  9. Abu Kaff, Your Guide Around A West Bank Bedouin Shack (3:22)
  10. Abdullah Kosher Halal (2:18)
  11. Bleu Box Of Zaffarool Goudarzi (2:18)
  12. Zahir Din, Cabdriver Of Zind (2:31)
  13. Indo Muslem Atlas (1:54)
  14. For Larger Iran (7:24)
  15. Hazarajat (2:02)

all tracks written, played and recorded by Muslimgauze, Manchester

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