Chasing The Shadow Of Bryn Jones 1983-1988 (book

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Chasing The Shadow Of Bryn Jones 1983-1988 (book)

Vinyl On Demand - VOD121 (April, 2014)
208 pg hard cover book (written by Ibrahim Khider) w/silver printing & CD in inside back cover


CD (A Putrid Oasis)

  1. Gold Kalpakcilar Dome Part 1/2 (3:41)
  2. A Putrid Oasis (2:51)
  3. How Rustem, The Thief, Moves Through Fire (5:01)
  4. Memsahib Of Gub And Ghee (3:57)
  5. Bilechik Mule (5:33)
  6. Untitled (7:00)
  7. Suttee (8:10)
  8. Jawani Zindabad (5:35)
  9. Sapere Aude (3:37)
  10. Saladin Mercy (7:06)
  11. Sulaymaniyah (4:12)
  12. Palestine Is Our Izlamic Land Part 1 (6:02)
  13. Marseille Part 2 (3:06)
  14. Sadaambush (2:02)
  15. Zenana Of Ugly Thoughts (8:25)

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